Snips couldn't be more prouder of his Grandpa's legacy as one of the best bowlers in Equestria, ad in spite of his grandfathers fame, he's very proud of Snips as well. Snips is very close with his grandpa, Kingpin. While he and his friends were lost in the Foal Mountains, he finally snapped and admitted how much he hated being the town dunce, how nopony treats him with respect. Like Snails, Snips doesn't mind self-deprecating humor, nor being laughed at, but the amount of times Snips has been bullied or considered dumb by others wore on him as time went on. Between him and Snails, he seems to be the more intelligent but not by much. He enjoys playing pranks on others, but is equally prone to play pranks on himself. Being just foals, it was likely they didn't participate in the actual battle. They took up refuge in Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns, protected by adult unicorns. Snips and his buddy Snails fled to Canterlot for safety during the Final Battle for Equestria. Snips seems to have aspirations of becoming a barber, but also enjoys cutting other things such as ropes. He seems to have a good relationship with his mother as well, as she apparently always said he'd end up in the papers one day. Not much of Snips' family life is known, but he's very close with Snips is very close with his grandfather, Kingpin, a famous and celebrated, but humble bowler. Snips was raised in a sports-centric household that honored the legacy of sports achievements, causing Snips to care deeply and contain a high amount of pride over his family's accomplishments in sports, namely bowling. In spite of his goofy nature, Snips has proved himself to be surprisingly selfless and brave when the going gets tough, risking his life to save Sweetie Belle from a rampaging bear. Although usually carefree, Snips has on occasions displayed low self-esteem due to his status as the "town dunce" with even adults often making fun of his stupidity. His best friend without a doubt is Snails, the two share a deep, brotherly bond with one another and do practically everything together. Friendly as can be, but usually friendly to the wrong ponies, Snips is often at odds with the Cutie Mark Crusaders but is actually quite good friends with them deep down. Snips is a unicorn foal from Ponyville, Equestria.